为探究环境侧风对机械通风高位收水冷却塔群热力性能的影响,建立了由10座冷却塔组成的背靠背塔群的三维数值计算模型,并分析了不同环境风速及风向下冷却塔群通风特性、热风回流特性及换热特性的变化规律。研究结果表明:环境侧风诱导产生的塔内外横向旋涡对冷却塔群整体热力特性产生了恶化效应;在10 m/s风速下,侧风会使塔群平均通风量最大下降23.0%;45°侧风引起的塔群热风回流现象最严重,使得进风口气流温度和含湿量最大分别增加2.3%和6.3%;在横向旋涡及热风回流等因素的作用下,环境侧风会对冷却塔群换热特性产生不利影响,其中45°风向为最不利风向,使得出塔水温最大升高1.1 ℃。
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To investigate the influence of ambient crosswind on the thermal performance of the mechanical draft cooling tower cluster with highlevel water collecting device, a threedimensional numerical model for the backtoback cooling tower cluster consisting of 10 cooling towers was established, and the variation laws of ventilation, hot air recirculation and heat exchange characteristics of cooling tower cluster under different ambient air velocities and directions were analyzed. Results indicate that the transverse vortices inside and outside the cooling tower induced by ambient crosswind have a deterioration effect on the thermal characteristics of cooling tower cluster; under the air velocity of 10 m/s, the environmental crosswind reduces the average air flow of the cluster by up to 23.0%; the 45° crosswind results in the most serious hot air recirculation in cooling tower cluster, which increases the air intake air flow temperature and moisture content by 2.3% and 6.3%, respectively; due to the transverse vortices and hot air recirculation, the ambient crosswind exerts an adverse effect on the heat transfer characteristics of cooling tower cluster, and the most unfavorable crosswind direction of 45° causes a maximum increase of 1.1 ℃ in the outlet water temperature.