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The narrow channels have the advantages of compact structure and high heat transfer efficiency. With the development of technology, narrow channels have become one of the common structures to enhance heat exchange and are widely used in various heat exchange equipment. Due to the restriction of vapor bubble size caused by narrow channel gap, the vapor bubble will be deformed caused by squeezing during the development process, taking away a large amount of latent heat and causing disturbance at the vaporliquid interface. The heat transfer performance is very different from that of conventional channels. In this paper, the main flow patterns and transformation criteria in narrow channels are reviewed; the experimental study on the effects of geometry and operating parameters on heat transfer in narrow channels is introduced; the heat transfer mechanism and the twophase friction pressure drop mechanism in narrow channels are analyzed, and the correlations are summarized and commented; the mechanism of enhancd heat transfer in narrow channels and methods for further enhanced heat transfer are summarized; the existing problems are proposed in relation to the current experimental and theoretical studies, providing a reference for further research on enhanced heat transfer by flow boiling in narrow channels.