为分析工业供汽机组供不同品位蒸汽的能耗特性,考虑到工业供汽机组多热用户参数及多供热汽源点的特点,建立了供热机组变工况计算及能耗特性分析模型。以某1 000 MW工业供汽机组为例,分别采用好处归电法、好处归热法、做功能力法和等效热降法研究了电负荷、中压工业热负荷、低压工业热负荷、供汽汽源点等因素对机组能耗特性的影响规律。结果表明:不同供热方式下采用同一方法计算的供热煤耗率随电负荷变化的趋势一致,随热负荷变化不大;不同供热方式下采用同一方法计算的发电煤耗率随热负荷变化的趋势一致,随电负荷变化的趋势有差异;当电负荷为620 MW、热负荷为220 t/h时,在再热热段蒸汽供中压蒸汽方式下按照好处归电法、做功能力法、等效热降法、好处归热法分配的供热煤耗率分别为37.46,26.43,25.83和22.52 kg/GJ,发电煤耗率分别为280.39,291.80,292.42和295.84 g/(kW•h)。
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In order to analyze the energy consumption characteristics of different grades of steam supplied by industrial steam supply units, considering the multi heat user parameters and multiple heat supply steam sources of industrial steam supply units, the variable working condition calculation and energy consumption characteristic analysis models of heating units were established. Taking a 1 000 MW industrial steam supply unit as an example, the influence of factors such as the electric load, mediumpressure industrial heat load, lowpressure industrial heat load, and supply steam source point on the energy consumption characteristics of the unit was studied by the analytical methods including heat method, actual enthalpy drop method, exergy method and equivalent enthalpy drop method. The results show that the heating coal consumption rate calculated by the same method under different heating modes has the same trend with the power load, but has little variation with the heat load; the power generation coal consumption rate calculated by the same method under different heating modes has the same trend with heat load, but has different trends with power load; when the power load is 620 MW and the heat load is 220 t/h, in the mode of the hot reheat steam for the medium pressure steam, the heating coal consumption rates allocated with the heat method, exergy method, equivalent enthalpy drop method and actual enthalpy drop method are 37.46, 26.43, 25.83, and 22.52 kg/GJ, respectively, the power generation coal consumption rates are 280.39, 291.80, 292.42, 295.84 g/(kW•h), respectively.