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In this paper a segmented elastic flap with equal distance is proposed to improve the phenomenon that the elastic flap destroys the wall attachment of the fluid on the upper surface within the range of small AOAs.With the NACA0018 airfoil as the research subject,the influence of the segmented elastic flap on the aerodynamic performance of airfoil is investigated through the method of numerical simulation.The results show that the suction surface pressure of the equal ratio segmented elastic flap airfoil is significantly reduced,and the liftdrag ratio is increased up to 25.65% compared with the clean airfoil.Moreover,the more the elastic flap is segmented in a certain range,the more evident the aerodynamic performance is improved.However,when the lifting angle of the flap is over 14°,a large vorticity area is formed on its lower surface,negatively affecting the aerodynamic performance of the airfoil.