为实现对某电厂空气预热器旁路烟气余热利用系统的经济性综合评价,针对采用空气预热器旁路的机组提出了一种锅炉效率检测和计算方法,将空气预热器旁路传递的烟气热量作为锅炉热损失的一部分,确立了一套以试验检测为基础,结合理论推导计算的评价方法,定量分析了空气预热器旁路余热利用系统运行对锅炉效率、汽轮机热耗和厂用电率的影响,并开展了相应的检测试验。试验结果表明:某电厂空气预热器旁路烟气余热利用系统在满负荷工况下可降低供电煤耗2.80 g/(kW·h),在低负荷和环境温度较低的冬季工况经济性会受到较大影响。
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In order to realize the comprehensive economic evaluation of the flue gas waste heat utilization system of air preheater bypass in a power plant,a boiler efficiency detection and calculation method of the unit with air preheater bypass was proposed,which treated the flue gas heat passed by the air preheater bypass as part of the boiler heat loss,and an evaluation method based on the test detection combined with the theoretical derivation calculation was established,for the quantitative analysis on the effects of air preheater bypass waste heat utilization system operation on boiler efficiency,steam turbine heat consumption and plant power consumption,then the corresponding test was carried out.The test results show that the flue gas waste heat utilization system of air preheater bypass in a power plant can reduce the net coal consumption by 2.80 g/(kW·h) at full load,and the economy at lowload and lowtemperature winter conditions will be greatly affected.